Everybody was shocked when KC finally spoke about her breakup with boyfriend, Piolo Pascual yesterday at The Buzz. Well, I guess everybody saw it coming. The moment they confirmed on national TV that they were together, everybody knew how it's gonna end.
And indeed, it was yet another cliche.
I was able to watch the edited version of her interview with Boy Abunda yesterday and sad to say, but I think KC took the relationship too superficial. Okay, fine. You can't blame her. She was totally in love with her then-boyfriend. Just like what everyone says, who wouldn't be knocked down by Piolo's incredible charm and smile. For me, it appeared that everytime they had problems, Piolo sways KC with too much pa-kilig that the girl forgets about everything that happened and forgives him in a swift. And the pa-kilig thing became a routine everytime they fight.
Kilig is a lot different from Love. That's something I've learned with my six long years with Kali. Of course, may mga times na we need Kilig to make the relationship sweeter and much more exciting but most of the time, respect, love and trust are the things we need to make it last.
Also, KC knew all along that Piolo is bisexual. She knew what she was getting into and yet she chose to be on the situation. Okay, fine. She took the risk. But C'mon. For someone who's confused with his own sexuality, you can't expect a 360 degree turn from him in a couple of years given the industry he's in and the time that he's been confused with his gender-preference. KC just can't change Piolo kahit ialay niya pa ang buong pagkatao niya dito. Because Piolo is his own person. He decides whether he'll let her change him or he stick to his sexuality.
Eto lang yan: It's an open secret that Piolo is indeed gay. Okay, sige. Bisexual. There has been too many rumors and with such number, it wouldn't be too hard not to believe it. Walang usok, kung walang apoy. Even before KC was part of the show business, there has been stories that reveal Piolo's real gender preference. And even before being Gay has been open or accepted in the society, Piolo has been part of the gay rumors.
Of course, who doesn't want to be the reason why a person changes? Lahat naman tayo may ganung idea. Good girlfriend wants to change her bad boyfriend. But, this is too ideal. Besides, with the case of Piolo and KC, it's not the attitude that she has to change, but his sexuality which are but two different things.
Okay. Okay. Enough of this issue.
Nakaka(t)awa lang kasi, KC put too much of herself into this knowing from the start what kind of person her boyfriend is. But we couldn't blame her because she was in love. And when you're in love, you tend to be ideal... and stupid.
Embracing the challenges and changes brought about by marriage and motherhood. Here you'll find my musings, my whines and everything in between.
Lunes, Nobyembre 28, 2011
Miyerkules, Nobyembre 23, 2011
Good Read: Love Someone Like You're Six
Found a good read. Just thought of sharing it here.
Love Someone Like You’re Six
NOV. 22, 2011
Love someone like you’re six. Bring your favorite toy to school to impress her; watch her hold it in her tiny hands and swell with pride when she’s receptive. She has good taste. Watch her cautiously; you couldn’t live if she accidentally dropped it, broke it. Draw pictures of her in your coloring book, in the margins, and ask your mother if she’s allowed to come over. Blush when she kisses you on the ear after you’ve skinned your knee. Blush whenever someone says her name. Whenever someone says her name, think it sounds like a curse or a whisper or a prayer.
Love someone like you’re ten. Notice that you like all of the same things: the same songs, the same animals, the same colors. You know there’s something between the two of you but you’re both too inexperienced to acknowledge it. Stand side by side during your elementary school graduation ceremony and feel a surge of loss course through his body and then through yours. Sign his autograph book; skip the white pages and the yellow pages and the blue pages. Sign the pink page, the one that means ‘love.’ Wear gloss and press your lips against the paper. Leave an imprint of your mouth between the words, ‘See U Soon’ and ‘Call me – 718- 768 – 8404.’ Never see each other again.
Love someone like you’re thirteen. Let him walk you home one night in October and ignore every chill. When he leans in to steal a kiss from your mouth, let him. Open your eyes in shock when you realize there’s tongue. Clench his shirt with your fingertips, release it, rest your open palms on either side of him and be unsure if you’re pulling him closer or not. When it’s over, slap him because you don’t know how else to tell him you liked it.
Love someone like you’re sixteen. Pass her in the hallways at school and try to transform yourself into something alluring, something confident. Know every CD she has in her car and her Taco Bell order and who her best friends are. Feel like your heart will explode when she signs on AIM, when she arrives at a party, when she looks in your direction. Get her alone one night, sit in her car and listen to songs you’ll never forget the words to. It’ll be the only time you lose your virginity but the first time you lose yourself.
Love someone like you’re nineteen. Spend hours looking at each other and saying nothing; meet each other’s parents. Text him from the bathroom of your childhood home when you’re visiting for holidays like Thanksgiving and Christmas; say, “I wish you were here.” Drive around town together, put your hand on his knee and watch sidewalks and miles fly by; take interest in the blur because you can see your future in it.
Love someone like you’re twenty-five. Go to the movies even though you’re already sure you hate going to the movies, do it because she wants to. Spend weekdays and weekends together, get to know each other in the backs of cabs. Stay up until 4 AM because you’re young again; go to bed at 9 PM because you don’t have to prove yourself anymore. Don’t feel overwhelmed when they call instead of text, don’t feel afraid to be yourself. Be in Love.
Love someone like you’re thirty. Not like you’re running out of time, not like your options are drying up. Love him because despite failure and disappointment and fear, you can’t help yourself. Love him in spite of your past; believe in your potential when your better judgment tells you not to.
Love someone like you’re fifty, like the future has come and gone and will return again and it’ll all feel underwhelming because you know who you are and who she is and who “we” is and knowing that makes the rest manageable, you’ve learned.
Love someone like you’re eighty. Look out of your window or in a newspaper or at the television and hear smell taste collateral damage: the result of the world passing you by, leaving you behind. Count the things you no longer understand on both hands; then count the one thing that still makes sense, that has always made sense and think, that’s all right.
From: http://thoughtcatalog.com/2011/love-someone-like-youre-six/
Love Someone Like You’re Six
NOV. 22, 2011
Love someone like you’re six. Bring your favorite toy to school to impress her; watch her hold it in her tiny hands and swell with pride when she’s receptive. She has good taste. Watch her cautiously; you couldn’t live if she accidentally dropped it, broke it. Draw pictures of her in your coloring book, in the margins, and ask your mother if she’s allowed to come over. Blush when she kisses you on the ear after you’ve skinned your knee. Blush whenever someone says her name. Whenever someone says her name, think it sounds like a curse or a whisper or a prayer.
Love someone like you’re ten. Notice that you like all of the same things: the same songs, the same animals, the same colors. You know there’s something between the two of you but you’re both too inexperienced to acknowledge it. Stand side by side during your elementary school graduation ceremony and feel a surge of loss course through his body and then through yours. Sign his autograph book; skip the white pages and the yellow pages and the blue pages. Sign the pink page, the one that means ‘love.’ Wear gloss and press your lips against the paper. Leave an imprint of your mouth between the words, ‘See U Soon’ and ‘Call me – 718- 768 – 8404.’ Never see each other again.
Love someone like you’re thirteen. Let him walk you home one night in October and ignore every chill. When he leans in to steal a kiss from your mouth, let him. Open your eyes in shock when you realize there’s tongue. Clench his shirt with your fingertips, release it, rest your open palms on either side of him and be unsure if you’re pulling him closer or not. When it’s over, slap him because you don’t know how else to tell him you liked it.
Love someone like you’re sixteen. Pass her in the hallways at school and try to transform yourself into something alluring, something confident. Know every CD she has in her car and her Taco Bell order and who her best friends are. Feel like your heart will explode when she signs on AIM, when she arrives at a party, when she looks in your direction. Get her alone one night, sit in her car and listen to songs you’ll never forget the words to. It’ll be the only time you lose your virginity but the first time you lose yourself.
Love someone like you’re nineteen. Spend hours looking at each other and saying nothing; meet each other’s parents. Text him from the bathroom of your childhood home when you’re visiting for holidays like Thanksgiving and Christmas; say, “I wish you were here.” Drive around town together, put your hand on his knee and watch sidewalks and miles fly by; take interest in the blur because you can see your future in it.
Love someone like you’re twenty-five. Go to the movies even though you’re already sure you hate going to the movies, do it because she wants to. Spend weekdays and weekends together, get to know each other in the backs of cabs. Stay up until 4 AM because you’re young again; go to bed at 9 PM because you don’t have to prove yourself anymore. Don’t feel overwhelmed when they call instead of text, don’t feel afraid to be yourself. Be in Love.
Love someone like you’re thirty. Not like you’re running out of time, not like your options are drying up. Love him because despite failure and disappointment and fear, you can’t help yourself. Love him in spite of your past; believe in your potential when your better judgment tells you not to.
Love someone like you’re fifty, like the future has come and gone and will return again and it’ll all feel underwhelming because you know who you are and who she is and who “we” is and knowing that makes the rest manageable, you’ve learned.
Love someone like you’re eighty. Look out of your window or in a newspaper or at the television and hear smell taste collateral damage: the result of the world passing you by, leaving you behind. Count the things you no longer understand on both hands; then count the one thing that still makes sense, that has always made sense and think, that’s all right.

From: http://thoughtcatalog.com/2011/love-someone-like-youre-six/

Six months today
I'm back!
My day started with a bad news. Kali wasn't able to go home today from Lubang Island. The coast guard didn't allow the passenger boat to sail due to the monsoon winds which he doubted because the sea was calm compared to his trip going to the island last Monday. He thought that the boat owner chose not to sail today because there were lesser passengers.
I'm really looking forward to him going home today. I've been bumming around for two days already here at home and I got nobody to talk to except of course, Ate Jem who I only get to chat with during meals. I thought I could go out today but due to my condition, I'd rather not. I don't want to have a hard time outside all by myself.
So, just like yesterday, I've glued myself to Macario and thank God, he didn't fail me. I've been downloading movies again, tweeting and facebook-ing all day. Somehow, I was able to start our Christmas gift list but I'm not even halfway to finishing it.
I'm quite sad that I only spent my three days doing the same routine. It's hard when you don't have someone to talk to or when you only get to reach people through the social networking sites or cellphones. I miss the feeling of being around friends.
I hope and pray that tomorrow would be a more different, more fruitful and happier day.
For now, I only look forward to Saturday because I'm going to see my girlfriends. :)
By the way, following the uterine age, I'm on my 24th week today. :)
Thank You, Lord. I know all these pains and sacrifices will payoff soon. :)
My day started with a bad news. Kali wasn't able to go home today from Lubang Island. The coast guard didn't allow the passenger boat to sail due to the monsoon winds which he doubted because the sea was calm compared to his trip going to the island last Monday. He thought that the boat owner chose not to sail today because there were lesser passengers.
I'm really looking forward to him going home today. I've been bumming around for two days already here at home and I got nobody to talk to except of course, Ate Jem who I only get to chat with during meals. I thought I could go out today but due to my condition, I'd rather not. I don't want to have a hard time outside all by myself.
So, just like yesterday, I've glued myself to Macario and thank God, he didn't fail me. I've been downloading movies again, tweeting and facebook-ing all day. Somehow, I was able to start our Christmas gift list but I'm not even halfway to finishing it.
I'm quite sad that I only spent my three days doing the same routine. It's hard when you don't have someone to talk to or when you only get to reach people through the social networking sites or cellphones. I miss the feeling of being around friends.
I hope and pray that tomorrow would be a more different, more fruitful and happier day.
For now, I only look forward to Saturday because I'm going to see my girlfriends. :)
By the way, following the uterine age, I'm on my 24th week today. :)
Thank You, Lord. I know all these pains and sacrifices will payoff soon. :)
Lunes, Nobyembre 21, 2011
Back to blogging!
I was sooo lazy to write yesterday because I'm busy looking for movies to download. :) I'm happy because I was able to download a few good flicks Kali and I could watch when he gets back. I feel guilty though because I haven't done any mommy duties since yesterday. I told myself I'll be listing down everything in the baby registry in a small notebook so I'd have a guide when I finally do my baby shopping. Also, I tasked myself to do the Christmas gift list already but I'm too glued to the downloading sites.
Right now, I'm in the middle of watching Friends with Benefits starring Justin Timberlake and Mina Kunis and I had to stop and force myself to blog because if I don't I would start feeling the same lazy feeling in the next coming days.
Kali said he'll be going home tomorrow. He's done with supervising the planting of garlic early today. I hope the weather's good tomorrow so he'd have a good boat trip going back to Batangas. :)
This is all for now. I'll watch some afternoon series first. :)
Linggo, Nobyembre 20, 2011
Everybody's Tripping :)
Like our usual Sundays here at home, we went to mass before lunch time. Kuya Bayan and Ate Cha arrived with the kids around two in the afternoon.
Goodness! I'm really getting bigger. I am wearing a top Kali gave me like four years ago, and now I'm close to popping out. Ate Asa said I'm really big na. Haha. Nahiya ako although it was only recently lang naman that I'm getting these comments/compliments.
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Anyway, Mom's leaving for Holy Land later at 1am. I'm happy, excited and worried for her at the same time. Happy and excited because after her last international flight which was like 25 years ago, she'll be able to go out of the country again and to her dream destination pa. I'm worried because she didn't really have the means for it. The last time we talked about it, I told her to just save up for the next scheduled trip this coming summer. The UST Parish also has the same trip but next year pa. That way, she could save up for it talaga. But because she already deposited $300 as reservation fee, she couldn't back out now. The tour agency said she would still have to pay the rest of the fare and hotel fees because they already did preparations for those who paid the reservation fees. She told me that she really did tried to talk to the agency and told them that she couldn't pay the rest of what she reserved for. Good thing was the agent allowed her to still continue with the trip eventhough she's not yet fully-paid. She was just asked to write a promisory note saying that she'd pay the rest of the fees as soon as her money arrives. I guess, this trip was really for her. God bless the tour agent. :)
I prayed earlier during mass that she'd have a good trip. Money-wise, I know she doesn't have a big amount of baon good for two-weeks time but God would always provide. I have faith because of everything that she did for our family, she deserves to visit the place where Jesus was conceived, grew up, performed miracles and died for us. :)
Have a safe trip, Mommy. I will be praying for you. :)
Not only Mommy is leaving, Kali too is leaving for Lubang tomorrow. Since Papa asked him to look after the farm there, he had to go tomorrow to supervise the planting of Garlic. I don't know yet when he's coming back. Maybe Wednesday or Thursday.
Sheena and Ate Yen are also leaving for Davao-CDO tomorrow. We were supposed to meet up for a mini-reunion but we had to move it to another day/week/month due to their X-Factor Pre-casting and Mhel's complicated schedule.
I'm looking forward to next week. I know it's going to be boring because I'm alone in the house without Kali. Plus, I don't want to go home naman to Laguna since mom is not there too.
Was able to talk to mom a few minutes ago. She's already at the airport with a few of their flock. I told her to buy a new sim card and credits so she could call or text us here. Gaaa. I'm not really used to mom being too far. :| Makes me anxious. Haha.
Anyway, this will be for now. Kali's already packing his stuff.
Listening to Mo's podcast now with Nomer, the Mentalist. :)
Goodnight everyone!
Good luck to me this week! :)
Biyernes, Nobyembre 18, 2011
Still not in the mood today. Just had lunch and halfway to finishing my food, I vomited everything I ate from breakfast. I don't have the slightest reason why my tummy's reacting that way, but the good thing is I don't feel nauseated after vomiting. Unlike the first few months where I have to sleep after puking out everything, kanina I was able to finish what's left of my plate.
I woke up still with awe. My happy hormones are so down. Last night was a rough night. Didn't get to sleep agad and had to do a lot of twisting and turning to send myself to sleep. Right after breakfast, I went upstairs to clean the room and changed the sheets just so I could stretch a little and tune my mind to something else. Staying down after a fight or an argument isn't really new to me. In fact, I admit it's one of the bad things about me. I couldn't just forget in an instant. Right now, I just feel like going out alone. I want to spend the rest of the day in silence. But of course, I know, di ko na naman magagawa yun. In as much as I would want to indulge into sweets, I'm restraining myself to do so. I have to control my sugar intake to avoid gestational diabetes. So, No happy food for me. I want to relax today or watch a movie, but syempre, I know it's impossible to do so.
Gaaaahd. I feel so restrained. I couldn't go out. I couldn't do the things I want. I couldn't even tweet my thoughts. I couldn't see my girlfriends.
I need my friends. I swear. :(
I woke up still with awe. My happy hormones are so down. Last night was a rough night. Didn't get to sleep agad and had to do a lot of twisting and turning to send myself to sleep. Right after breakfast, I went upstairs to clean the room and changed the sheets just so I could stretch a little and tune my mind to something else. Staying down after a fight or an argument isn't really new to me. In fact, I admit it's one of the bad things about me. I couldn't just forget in an instant. Right now, I just feel like going out alone. I want to spend the rest of the day in silence. But of course, I know, di ko na naman magagawa yun. In as much as I would want to indulge into sweets, I'm restraining myself to do so. I have to control my sugar intake to avoid gestational diabetes. So, No happy food for me. I want to relax today or watch a movie, but syempre, I know it's impossible to do so.
Gaaaahd. I feel so restrained. I couldn't go out. I couldn't do the things I want. I couldn't even tweet my thoughts. I couldn't see my girlfriends.
I need my friends. I swear. :(
Not-in-the-mood blog :|
I spent the whole day with Macario, the Macbook. Haha. I watched the New Girl Episodes I downloaded the other day. I'm not really in the mood to write today. For one, I'm more excited to see the progress of my downloads, and two, due to Kali's super babaw na tingin sa mga tweets at blogs ko, nawalan ako ng gana magsulat. Imagine, he said yesterday na I only want to go out because I want something to write on my blog. Sakit sa puso. He thinks I'm too superficial to do such. Up until now, I still don't feel like talking to him or posting anything on twitter about us or my zodiac or whatever. It's just unfair to think na ganun lang ako kababaw sa tingin niya porket his tweets are puro political and matalino.
Anyway, it's already 5 o'clock and I'm still doing the same thing: downloading. :) It's something that made me happy today. It somehow made me forget yesterday's tears. I was so stressed I had to cry myself to sleep.
And the nesting thing, even though my instinct tells me to do it, I just might give up on it for now. Really not in the mood for so much mommyhood stuff due to yesterday's argument. Besides, it's quite getting frustrating too. As I've said on my earlier blog, it feels like I'm the only person excited for the baby stuff. He's not supportive of me painting his room, buying a new bed or checking out baby things. He being like this makes me miss home, mom and my siblings. Because even though my family does not have the means of buying all the things that I want for my baby, atleast they would listen and show interest to what I want and would offer to buy those stuffs when the money comes.
Miyerkules, Nobyembre 16, 2011
It's not about the Money, Money, Money
It's not the case of the cha-ching, cha-ching and the ba-bling, ba-bling.
Neither the case of how many times we go out on a date, watch a movie or have dinner with friends.
Not even about the boredom of staying at home for the rest of the week.
It's about how, one day, you're too sweet and the next morning, you won't even mention a word.
It's about you being so makulit, and the next day, too quiet.
It's about consistency.
For someone who's infused with extra hormones of estrogen, I don't want money, out-of-town trips or a shopping spree. I just want to feel happy and cared for every step of the way, in every chance possible, in any simple way.
Carrying a bun of joy for nine long months is hard enough. The journey is filled with sleepless nights, backaches, pains here and there. And the only thing I could ask for is a little act of sweetness each day.
It's not the case of the cha-ching, cha-ching and the ba-bling, ba-bling.
Neither the case of how many times we go out on a date, watch a movie or have dinner with friends.
Not even about the boredom of staying at home for the rest of the week.
It's about how, one day, you're too sweet and the next morning, you won't even mention a word.
It's about you being so makulit, and the next day, too quiet.
It's about consistency.
For someone who's infused with extra hormones of estrogen, I don't want money, out-of-town trips or a shopping spree. I just want to feel happy and cared for every step of the way, in every chance possible, in any simple way.
Carrying a bun of joy for nine long months is hard enough. The journey is filled with sleepless nights, backaches, pains here and there. And the only thing I could ask for is a little act of sweetness each day.
Surprise find: Christmas Bazaar Schedule :)
The season of giving is in the air. :) Here at home, Mama already hung three Santa Claus figures (two on a parachute, one on a swing). One of our neighbors already designed the tree (which looks like a sister of the Pine Tree) with Christmas lights and balls. I'm looking forward to seeing a huge Christmas Tree in our Laguna home. I could already imagine Xander's delight upon seeing a tall Christmas tree filled with lights, decors and gifts underneath. It'll be his first Christmas with us afterall. :)
Earlier today, I was doing a research on the latest Rockwell Baby Bazaar which Ate Cha mentioned last weekend. I couldn't find it on Google but I came to this site which has a list of upcoming and (on-going) Christmas Bazaars around the metro.
In case you want to check out the bazaars, click here. :)
Have a Merry Christmas shopping, everyone! :)
I have a number of reasons to be happy today. :)
1. I was able to finish downloading 4th and 5th episodes of New Girl in a matter of two hours. Though I'm not sure if it's going to play yet, I just feel that it would. Before we left kanina, everything was done na. Now I'm updated already with the latest eps. Wuhooo to that! Zooey is just naturally hilarious.
2. We went out for a movie and a basketball game. :) As I've mentioned on my previous blog, Kali (and I without my consent) won two tickets for the Shopinas' game today. We watched Praybeyt Benjamin starring Vice Ganda. The movie was fun though it wasnt as funny as I've expected.
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The TnT team warming up before the game :) |
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Shopinas Team on the other side of the court prepping for battle :) |
3. I got every craving today! :) A bucket of popcorn, two rounds of Krispy Kreme's Original glazed doughnut plus I got to try their Kruffin and Pull apart! :) Also ate Jamaican Patty's Cheesy Beef that I didn't get to enjoy because it's partly burnt. :s
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First batch: A cinnamon pull apart
and original glazed doughnut :)
4. I was able to spend some good times with a few close friends and Kali. :)
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Me at the Big Dome :) Was shy to ask Kali for a pic with me. Kaya ako lang :) Haha! |
5. I've got a new favorite piece of clothing. :) My leggings with a maong look. :)
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Pardon the tummy! :) Bought this at Divi. Originally belonged to mom but she gave me this because my pants won't fit anymore :) |
Time to sleep now! Long day indeed! :)
Martes, Nobyembre 15, 2011
Checklist from Mothercare :)
Weeeee! Kali said we're going out today. :) We'll watch a movie and a basketball game in Araneta. :) Although I'm not totally excited about the latter, I'm happy na din to be able to spend some time outside today. :) Kali won two PBA tickets again via twitter. :)
Have to go now! :) BRB later! :)
Anyway, before I prep up for our "date" (if I may call it), I'd like to share something useful that I found at Mothercare Philippines' facebook page. :) A checklist for mommies and mommies-to-be. :)
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Baby and Mom Essentials before and right after birth and for the next six months :) |
Last night I successfully downloaded New Girl's first three episodes. :) Excited to watch the 2nd and 3rd episodes later! :)
Something bright and light: Milky & Sunny
Good morning! I wish I could go out today! :) Been bumming around the house since Monday and I can't help but think of going somewhere. Milky & Sunny is still on my mind eventhough I know Kali does not approve the idea. It's a restaurant in Kapitolyo that serves breakfast all day from 7am to 10pm. :) I visited their facebook page and would like to share with you their cute welcome photo.
To delight your eyes, I would like to share to you photos of their yummy food (though I haven't tried anything yet! Haha!).
They also have cereals and milk and it's up to you if you want to have it unlimited like a bottomless drink. :) And they also serve freshly squeezed orange juice. :)
If you want to know more about Milky & Sunny, you could visit their facebook: Milky & Sunny and like their page to download their menu. I downloaded my own copy here. :) They also have a twitter page: @milkynsunny in case you want to follow them. :)
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Seems like it's bright and sunny on that side of town :) |
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This is their Big Breakfast! :) |
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Breakfast Enchiladas :) |
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Chicken and Waffles :) |
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Strawberry Cream Cheese Pancake :) |
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Tapa with Garlic Rice and Egg |
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Triple Decker Omelette :) |
I promise to visit their place one of these days. :)
If you want to know more about Milky & Sunny, you could visit their facebook: Milky & Sunny and like their page to download their menu. I downloaded my own copy here. :) They also have a twitter page: @milkynsunny in case you want to follow them. :)
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Milky & Sunny Menu |
Smart Parenting: 7 Tips for Putting Baby on a Schedule
Wow! I'm learning so much from Smart Parenting articles. Thanks to Ella for introducing it to me. :) Just finished reading this article and felt like sharing it here. :)
7 Tips for Putting Baby on a Schedule
Realizing a routine
Here are some tips on how to put your baby on a schedule.
7 Tips for Putting Baby on a Schedule
We’ve got the info you need to make life much, much easier for you and your baby.
By Ines Bautista-Yao
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Realizing a routine
Here are some tips on how to put your baby on a schedule.
1. Listen to your baby.
Rhea Dumdum-Bautista, principal of the CCP Dance School, and mom to David, 5 months, says she didn’t force a routine on her son. She allowed his natural rhythms and internal routine to emerge and worked around it. Her advice? “Let babies take the lead. Don’t be too rigid with their routine. They develop so fast and change so quickly - you just have to adapt.”
2. Do the same thing every day.
You can’t dictate when your baby is hungry or sleepy, but if you follow a consistent routine when it comes to what you can control, baby will eventually fall into the pattern. Dr. Chen says, “By bathing the baby at a particular time each day, feeding at regular intervals, going through the routines of housework where there is more activity during the day and less at night, the baby assimilates this pattern and learns that day is different from night and sleep adjusts accordingly. Of course each child has a different personality, but in time, their body clock adjusts and a day-and-night rhythm is struck.”
3. Write it down.
Joan suggests keeping a record of your baby’s routine. “It helps you see the trends and figure out the best possible schedule,” she says. “When your baby has caught on to a routine, you could divert from it once in a while, but not till he’s used to his routine.”
4. Clue them in.
Schedules work if you can get baby to cooperate. The best way to do this is to give him clues or signals that it’s time for a certain activity. Rea shares how she differentiates nap time and bedtime. “For nap time, don’t draw the curtains. But at night, make it dark. He will figure out that a bright environment equals shorter sleep and a darker environment means longer sleep. It’s about creating the environment and being aware of the room, sounds etc.”
5. Make it fun!
Baby’s routine need not be a chore. Dr. Cruz suggests, “Try to show excitement over the everyday routine. Make it as interesting as possible. While giving a bath, you can sing to your baby, let him explore soft toys, and give him time to play with the water. While reading books, turn off anything distracting and read with feelings and a loud and clear voice. Try to explain every situation so baby will understand the cause and effect of all the actions you are doing to him.”
6. Trust your instincts.
Implementing a schedule may be hard in the beginning. What can make things worse is if you get conflicting advice from others. Rea says not to worry. “Be patient, your instincts will kick in. These are far more important than what others say, because those might be what’s best for their babies but not necessarily yours. But do listen as you can still pick up good pointers from them.”
7. Don’t give up!
If you’re beginning to feel discouraged, Dr. Chen says, “Just keep trying. Do the same thing each day at the same time. If baby will not follow, don’t force but still offer the same routine. In time, he will assimilate this rhythm and follow.”
Even if they will make life easier, routines are not meant to be set in stone. Dr. Chen says, “Feelings of inadequacy, helplessness, uncertainty, nervousness are not helpful.” She adds, “Remember, you are your child’s guide in life. Have more confidence in yourself as a parent. We all have it in us to be good parents.”
Rhea Dumdum-Bautista, principal of the CCP Dance School, and mom to David, 5 months, says she didn’t force a routine on her son. She allowed his natural rhythms and internal routine to emerge and worked around it. Her advice? “Let babies take the lead. Don’t be too rigid with their routine. They develop so fast and change so quickly - you just have to adapt.”
2. Do the same thing every day.
You can’t dictate when your baby is hungry or sleepy, but if you follow a consistent routine when it comes to what you can control, baby will eventually fall into the pattern. Dr. Chen says, “By bathing the baby at a particular time each day, feeding at regular intervals, going through the routines of housework where there is more activity during the day and less at night, the baby assimilates this pattern and learns that day is different from night and sleep adjusts accordingly. Of course each child has a different personality, but in time, their body clock adjusts and a day-and-night rhythm is struck.”
3. Write it down.
Joan suggests keeping a record of your baby’s routine. “It helps you see the trends and figure out the best possible schedule,” she says. “When your baby has caught on to a routine, you could divert from it once in a while, but not till he’s used to his routine.”
4. Clue them in.
Schedules work if you can get baby to cooperate. The best way to do this is to give him clues or signals that it’s time for a certain activity. Rea shares how she differentiates nap time and bedtime. “For nap time, don’t draw the curtains. But at night, make it dark. He will figure out that a bright environment equals shorter sleep and a darker environment means longer sleep. It’s about creating the environment and being aware of the room, sounds etc.”
5. Make it fun!
Baby’s routine need not be a chore. Dr. Cruz suggests, “Try to show excitement over the everyday routine. Make it as interesting as possible. While giving a bath, you can sing to your baby, let him explore soft toys, and give him time to play with the water. While reading books, turn off anything distracting and read with feelings and a loud and clear voice. Try to explain every situation so baby will understand the cause and effect of all the actions you are doing to him.”
6. Trust your instincts.
Implementing a schedule may be hard in the beginning. What can make things worse is if you get conflicting advice from others. Rea says not to worry. “Be patient, your instincts will kick in. These are far more important than what others say, because those might be what’s best for their babies but not necessarily yours. But do listen as you can still pick up good pointers from them.”
7. Don’t give up!
If you’re beginning to feel discouraged, Dr. Chen says, “Just keep trying. Do the same thing each day at the same time. If baby will not follow, don’t force but still offer the same routine. In time, he will assimilate this rhythm and follow.”
Even if they will make life easier, routines are not meant to be set in stone. Dr. Chen says, “Feelings of inadequacy, helplessness, uncertainty, nervousness are not helpful.” She adds, “Remember, you are your child’s guide in life. Have more confidence in yourself as a parent. We all have it in us to be good parents.”
For more articles and helpful pieces of advice on parenting, you can visit their site: http://www.smartparenting.com.ph/
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