Last Friday, Mo Twister's video diary went viral on the internet. A video professing his depression bouts on then-girlfriend Rhian Ramos' alleged abortion of their 3 1/2 month child. An event which did not only happened once but twice, the second done behind Mo's back. And even thrice, with her former boyfriend, JC de Vera.
When stories like this surface, it's hard not to believe it. Just like homosexuality in show business, abortion is one open secret that is known to be done by the stars we look up to, and most of these stars are the young ones. Although a number of celebrities have been linked to this abortion issue, none of them had the slightest courage and intention of admitting it and the reason is obvious: to save their careers.
I pity the aborted children who suffer the consequences of their mother and father's irresponsibility. Why would they even have to make out if they aren't ready for the outcome of their actions?
I know I don't have the right to talk clean about this. I myself is guilty of committing premarital sex and I am now experiencing the outcome of our actions. I may also be guilty of thinking of aborting it, but we chose to do the right thing, that is to stand by it.
I'm on my sixth month now and whenever I thought about what my life could be if I chose to terminate my baby, I'm thankful that I didn't because beyond the pains and discomforts brought about by pregnancy, I feel complete. I feel a lot happier and I feel like I'm becoming someone more than what I've expected myself to become.
Values. When stories like this arise, we cannot help but question the values of the persons involved. Mo, being open to his side of the story, admitted that a part of himself was crushed. His values were stepped on to and that he couldn't do anything about it. The saddest part was, he was so blinded by his love for Rhian, he just had to submit himself to the deed. And now he is being haunted by the ghosts of their children and the ghosts of the moments where he could have done something to prevent it from happening.
I hope this issue would be a lesson to everyone who are exercising premarital or even marital sex. It's time that we stand up for our actions. A number of innocent lives has been killed for the sake of comfort, vanity and fame and it has to stop before it becomes a trend in our country.
I look up to moms and dads who take responsibility of their actions by standing up for the right of their child/children to live. Life isn't easy we all know that, and taking a life of a child would never make it less difficult.
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